We’re honored to provide you with the medical coverage you need.
Whether you have Tricare For Life, Original Medicare, or another Medicare Advantage plan, our new Honor plan is a great option that can enhance your coverage.
Contact a Health Plan Specialist
* Required
Enroll in the Medicare Advantage plan designed with you in mind.
We know Medicare isn’t one-size-fits-all. That’s why our new Honor plan is designed to serve veteran households better than ever.
Compare PlansExpanded Provider Network
One of the largest provider networks in our coverage area with over 7,200 local affiliate doctors∆
Increased Dental Benefits
Up to $2,000 for preventive and comprehensive dental with 0% coinsurance
New Vision Network
Access to the nation’s top eyewear retailers, $0 copay for eye exams, and $125 per year to use towards eyewear
Coverage and Care in 13 Texas Counties
No matter where you are in our 13-county coverage area, our extensive provider network means you receive the expert, compassionate care you deserve.
We're Here to Help
Please Contact a Licensed Local Agent at 713-442-5646 (TTY: 711)
From October 1 to March 31
8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
7 days a week
From April 1 to September 30
8 a.m. - 8 p.m.
Monday - Friday