Your current Medicare ID Card (red, white, and blue card)
Get Ready To Enroll
Enrollment Documents
To enroll in KelseyCare Advantage, you should have these documents ready:
Insurance card/information for a retiree, employer, or union plan that you intend to keep
Emergency contact information if you wish to list (not required)
There are FOUR ways to enroll. Click an option to expand.
You can easily apply online to become a member, either directly through the KelseyCare Advantage secure site or through the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Medicare Online Enrollment Center.
Enroll at KelseyCare Advantage
By Phone
Becoming a member over the phone is also an easy process. Call 713-442-JOIN (5646) and one of our friendly representatives will walk you through the application process.
This process generally takes around 10-15 minutes.
In Person
We’re happy to meet with you to help you complete your application. Just call a KelseyCare Advantage Health Plan Specialist at 713-442-JOIN (5646) to set up an appointment.
By Mail
If you’re more comfortable enrolling by mail, we make that easy, too. Simply call 713-442-JOIN (5646) to request an application. Please send your completed and signed form to:
KelseyCare Advantage
P.O. Box 841569
Pearland, Texas 77584-9832
Next Steps
Once you enroll in KelseyCare Advantage, we’ll take care of the rest.
Our Enrollment Department will review your application and verify your information.
We’ll send it to the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, which will also review your application.
After that review is complete, we’ll send you a letter confirming enrollment with KelseyCare Advantage with your effective date.
You'll receive your new member ID card within a few weeks.
We're Here to Help
Please Contact a Licensed Local Agent at 713-442-5646 (TTY: 711)
From October 1 to March 31
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
7 days a week
From April 1 to September 30
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Monday – Friday