Managing Your Care
At Kelsey-Seybold, your providers work together closely to help you manage your care. This means they share your health information and ensure you get the care you need, whether in person or online.
Member Newsletters
Check out our newsletters for health and wellness information, Virtual Health how-to’s, prescription drug and other benefits information and updates, and some of the exciting things happening at KelseyCare Advantage and Kelsey-Seybold Clinic!
ID Card Request Form
Please click here to request a KelseyCare Advantage ID card.
Member Brochures & Guides
You'll find helpful information on Hurricane Preparedness, questions to ask your primary care physician at your next visit, and more!
Well-Being Resources
Live and Work Well provides mental health resources at no additional cost. Visit our page to learn more.
Pay My Bill
We offer three convenient methods to pay your monthly premium. Simply download the form that best suits your needs, then send the completed form to us by mail, email, or fax.
A grievance (complaint) is a process used to address certain types of problems related to quality of care, waiting times, and the customer service you receive.
Organizational Determination, Appeals & Payment Request (Medical Part C)
An organization determination is a decision your health plan makes regarding a request by you, your authorized representative or a physician for the Plan to cover health services, a payment request of a claims for services you have already received or increased coverage for services you are already receiving.
Coverage Determination, Appeals & Payment Request (Prescription Part D)
A drug coverage determination is a decision our plan makes about the coverage of a Part D drug or the amount our plan will pay for your Part D prescription drugs. This includes asking our plan to make an exception to the way a drug is covered.
Member Rights & Responsibilities
As a member of KelseyCare Advantage, you have certain rights and responsibilities. These are discussed in detail in the link below.
Quality Assurance
KelseyCare Advantage’s Quality Assurance Processes are designed to help ensure the safety and effectiveness of care related to prescription drugs.
Member Videos
Educational videos on a variety of health and wellness topics to help you navigate not only your Medicare Advantage plan, but healthy living!
Need Answers?
Call our Concierge team at 713-442-CARE (2273) or toll-free at 1-866-535-8343 (TTY: 711).
From October 1 to March 31
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
7 days a week
From April 1 to September 30
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Monday – Friday