General Information
As a KelseyCare Advantage member, will I have to use one clinic or doctor?
When can I make an appointment?
Do I have to renew my enrollment with KelseyCare Advantage every year?
Does KelseyCare Advantage offer dental coverage?
Does KelseyCare Advantage provide coverage outside the Houston area?
How do KelseyCare Advantage plans work?
How much do I pay for Medicare coverage?
What out-of-network services are covered if I enroll in one of the Point-of-Service (POS) plans?
KelseyCare Advantage Plans
When can I join KelseyCare Advantage?
How can I compare my options?
Where is KelseyCare Advantage available?
Can I choose my doctors?
Does my plan cover prescription drugs?
How can I get more information?
Doctors and Appointments
How do I choose a primary care physician (PCP)?
How do I schedule appointments?
Do I need to see my PCP to get a referral to other providers?
What happens if I go to a doctor who’s not in the KelseyCare Advantage network?
Fill your covered drugs at a KelseyCare Advantage network pharmacy. The pharmacy network may change at any time. Search our Pharmacy Directory to find your nearest store.
Use a preferred pharmacy to help save money on your drug costs. Our preferred pharmacies are Kelsey-Seybold Pharmacy, CVS, and H-E-B.
Many standard pharmacies are also part of our pharmacy network. However, you may have higher copays for covered drugs if you use a standard pharmacy instead of a preferred one.
What is a preferred pharmacy?
What if I need to use an out-of-network pharmacy?
Prescription Drugs
What is the KelseyCare Advantage Formulary?
What if a drug I’m currently using, or my doctor wants me to use, isn’t listed in the formulary?
How will I find out if my drug coverage has changed?
Are there programs to help me pay for my prescription drugs?
What is a Medication Therapy Management (MTM) program?
We’re here to help
Please Contact a Health Plan Specialist at 713-442-5646 (TTY:711)
From October 1 to March 31
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
7 days a week
From April 1 to September 30
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Monday – Friday