KelseyCare Advantage Launches 'Inspiring Health' to Chronicle Former News Anchor Art Rascon's Journey from Anchorman to Ironman
HOUSTON, TX – February 9, 2023 – KelseyCare Advantage (KCA), Houston’s fastest-growing Medicare Advantage Plan, announced today the launch of a special series designed to inspire better health for adults ages 60 and older.
The first phase of the “Inspiring Health” series follows the health and fitness journey of former news anchor Art Rascon (KCA’s current advertising spokesperson) as he trains for the upcoming Ironman Triathlon taking place on April 22 in The Woodlands.
Many of you may remember Art’s long battle with COVID two years ago. He suffered from aches, pains, extreme fatigue, and fever, but it was severe breathing issues that led to his hospitalization with what doctors called COVID pneumonia. His breathing issues continued even after he returned home, which required him to be on oxygen for eight weeks. His progress was slow and his recovery was long.
“I was lucky,” Art said about this challenging time. “There is a divine purpose for all things, and I'm confident that as we accept trials and challenges and allow them to change us for the better, we’re stronger in the end.”
Fast forward to today as we follow Art through a rigorous training schedule that includes swimming, running, and biking for three hours a day, six days a week. It is evident he’s stronger, and it is beyond inspiring.
That is just one of the reasons the KelseyCare Advantage team knew that Art Rascon would be a natural for launching their “Inspiring Health” series.
Through emails, videos, social media posts, and other communication vehicles, Art shares his fitness, mental, nutritional, and lifestyle tips that have put him – now at 60 years old – in the best shape of his life.
Art’s message is simple: Whether you want to dive into a new fitness regimen or just commit to a 30-minute walk several days a week, setting goals and remaining physically active in your 60s can have a tremendously positive impact on your quality of life.
Deena Soskin, Senior Director of Marketing for KelseyCare Advantage, said that once she and her team discovered that Art is training for the Ironman race, they wanted to be involved. While the team naturally wanted to follow, support, and share Art’s journey, they also recognize it’s an opportunity to inspire other adults to embrace better health habits.
Over the next 10 weeks, Houstonians of all ages are invited to watch videos featuring Art Rascon that cover “The Art of” topics, including The Art of Goal Setting, The Art of Commitment, The Art of Aging Well, The Art of Rest, The Art of Mental Health, The Art of Staying Healthy, and a final video that captures Art participating in the Ironman triathlon on April 22. All videos can be found at
About Art Rascon
Texas native Art Rascon is a former journalist and documentarian. During his 36 years in media, Art received numerous Emmy Awards and covered major global events as an international CBS News correspondent. He also anchored the news and covered international events while working at Houston’s ABC affiliate for nearly 25 years. Today, Art is relishing retirement, enjoying time with his family, and doing his best to be as healthy as he can be.
About KelseyCare Advantage
KelseyCare Advantage is Houston’s fastest-growing Medicare Advantage Plan. Currently, the plan is offered in 13 counties, including Fort Bend, Harris, Montgomery, portions of Galveston, Austin, Brazoria, Chambers, Grimes, Liberty, San Jacinto, Walker, Waller, and Wharton. KelseyCare Advantage has held a contract with Medicare since 2008. It was originally created by the physicians of Kelsey-Seybold Clinic, a Houston-based, multispecialty medical group practice that has been caring for families in the Greater Houston area for 74 years. KelseyCare Advantage is the only plan in Texas to earn a 5-Star rating from the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). KelseyCare Advantage has also been on the U.S. News & World Report’s “Best Medicare Advantage Plans” list for seven consecutive years.
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