Enhanced Drug Coverage
We offer additional coverage of some prescription drugs not normally covered in a Medicare prescription drug plan (enhanced drug coverage).
2025 Tier 2
This includes coverage of the following drugs used for the diagnosis of erectile dysfunction:
- sildenafil 25 MG - Tier 2, quantity limit of 6 every 30 days
- sildenafil 50 MG - Tier 2, quantity limit of 6 every 30 days
- sildenafil 100 MG - Tier 2, quantity limit of 6 every 30 days
In addition to Sildenafil, we also cover these supplements:
- Folic Acid 1 MG tablet – Tier 2, quantity limit of 30 for 30 days
- Vitamin B12 1000 MCG/ML solution, Tier 2
- Vitamin D (Ergocalciferol) 50000 UNIT capsule, Tier 2
The amount you pay when you fill a prescription for these drugs does not count toward drug costs for entering the Catastrophic Coverage Stage.
Tier 6
In 2025, under Tier 6, generic medications for chronic conditions such as diabetes, cholesterol, and hypertension, will be $0 to help assist with disease prevention and taking your medication regularly.
This change will hopefully help you protect, promote, and maintain your health and well-being!
Need Answers?
Call our Concierge Team at 713-442-CARE (2273) or Toll-Free at 1-866-535-8343 (TTY: 711)
From January 1 to March 31
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Monday – Friday
From April 1 to December 31
8 a.m. – 8 p.m.
Monday – Friday